General Membership
The Norwalk Jaycees meet the third Wednesday of every month, at the Norwalk Chamber of Commerce. We have been developing young leaders in the Norwalk community since 1946.
Members of the Norwalk Jaycees have many opportunities to achieve their goals and develop their skills. Whether you are interested in being a chapter officer, or simply working on a project committee, you will have the chance to learn skills ranging from marketing to personnel management and more! Every member has unique talents to offer, and we provide the freedom to contribute them in any way, from training other members, to creatively using them in programs and projects.
Meet our Board MembersPresident - Danny Grine (White Box Bakery & St. Paul High School)
Community Action VP - Emily Baker (Fisher Titus Medical Center) Individual Development VP - Kelly Guthrie (AgCredit) Secretary - Anna Sparks (Russell Realty) Treasurer - Morgan Fritz (Firelands Symphony Orchestra) Board Member At Large - Tate Stoll (Chimara Economics) Strawberry Festival Chair - Danny Grine (White Box Bakery & St. Paul High School) |
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